Women's Council Logo

Women’s Council

The Women’s Council is a dynamic group dedicated to improving the health and wellness of women and children in Forsyth County through community awareness, education, prevention and treatment initiatives.

Together with Novant Health, we are determined that compassionate care and quality medical expertise should be accessible for all. That’s why, since 2009, we have invested over $1.1 million in support of critical Novant Health initiatives to improve the health of all women across our region.

Women Making a Difference

Over time, current and past member collective giving and fundraising has impacted and influenced numerous Novant Health projects throughout our communities including:

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2020 - 2023

  • Provided underserved women with access to breast MRIs
  • Supported Novant Health team members during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • High risk maternity navigator for expecting mothers


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2017 - 2019

  • Supported a bilingual educator through Novant Health Today’s Woman OBGYN
  • Provided more than 10,500 women in the Winston-Salem area preventative screenings through the Mobile Mammography bus since 2019


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2014 - 2016

  • Enhanced the women’s radiation dressing room to provide greater comfort and privacy to patients
  • Supported a heart risk assessment scholarship


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2011 - 2013

  • Support of a GYN nurse navigator to guide and support patients
  • Increased access to mammograms within the community


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2008 - 2010

  • Established support services such as transitional home care, counseling, and peer support.
  • Increased access to mammograms within the community


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2023 Philanthropy Project:

High Risk Maternity Navigator

8 to 10% of pregnancies are high-risk, and this rate is rising. Hiring a navigator would guide 200+ women annually through their prenatal process. 

A high-risk maternity navigator would be a part of the Novant Health First Steps team, piloting a touch point during the prenatal period.

How the High-Risk Maternity Navigator Works

Partner with the Women’s Council of Forsyth Medical Center Foundation to provide high-risk prenatal navigation for expecting mothers in the Winston-Salem community area.

The diagnosis of a high-risk pregnancy can be challenging and overwhelming. Factors such as economic stability, physical environment, and access to education, a support network and food also known as Social determinants of health, may further contribute to poor health outcomes, for both expecting mother and child.

Navigators guide and support women throughout their pregnancy; providing education on diagnosis, offering emotional support, coordinating across care providers, scheduling clinical appointments and connecting them with community resources.

Collective Giving & Community Impact

As a non-profit, when you give through the Women’s Council of
Forsyth Medical Center Foundation, the true beneficiaries are always
the individuals and families in our communities.

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Yearly membership starts with a philanthropic investment of $100 or more, and 100% of your gift is allocated toward that year's annual philanthropy project. Regardless of gift size, all members have an equal vote toward our annual philanthropy proposal and access to all our offerings throughout the year.

We are an inclusive group of purpose-driven members, inspired and united by our passion to enhance women’s health in our community. Click here to join or renew.

If you do not have the financial resources at this time to join or renew your membership, we invite you to contact us to discuss other membership possibilities.

For more information, please contact Melissa Thompson at MThompson02@novanthealth.org.

Become a Member

Interested in how you can make a difference in the lives of women and children in your community? From volunteering to participating on an executive committee, members can choose their level of involvement.


Philanthropic Giving: 100% of your membership gift supports our annual philanthropy project. Vote on our annual philanthropy proposals and provide meaningful differences in critical areas of opportunity across our region.

Insight & Inspiration: Through annual member meetings and other educational opportunities, hear important updates on recent trends in women’s health and firsthand insights from within our community.

Network & Engagement: Connect with others who share your passion and advocacy for women’s health and wellness.