The Dovetail Update:
An update from the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni at Presbyterian Medical Center
Dear Alumni,
I hope this finds you safe and healthy! 2020 was an extraordinary and noteworthy year that brought us many challenges navigating the circumstances of a global pandemic. As we move into 2021, we hope you’ve been able to reflect on what’s most important to you. I always try to find the blessing in everything, translating difficult situations into a memorable moment for myself as well as my children.
As we look toward this year and what may come, we have decided, for the safety of all our alumni, to cancel Homecoming in September 2021. We want to ensure all our members are safe and healthy as we move forward. We encourage you to stay connected through our Facebook page for the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association. I could not be prouder of this group and the way our lives are touched by the connections we have made over the years. I love hearing all the stories from years past that spark nostalgia.
While I am disappointed, we will miss our event this fall, we have already begun planning for Homecoming 2022. Homecoming has always been a time and place to connect through conversations and laughter that brightens the day we get together. Things that always help me to remember the good days and time at Homecoming are all the memorabilia we purchased. Not only is it showing our pride for our school, but it also helps us to continue to send everyone a copy of our newsletter, The Dovetail, as well as all the funding that goes into providing students with scholarships to further their education.
We hope that you will continue your support of these critical alumni projects this year by making a gift to the White Rose Nursing Education Endowed Fund at the Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Foundation. All contributions are always appreciated!
Thank you for your support and stay strong!
Charlotte Gunn Steedly
Class of 2001

Our dedication to nursing education continues today.
With a contribution to the White Rose Endowment, you can support a clinically oriented nurse with a scholarship to improve the skills and the lives of others. Show your gratitude and give today.
Give to the White Rose Endowment
If you would like to contribute to our Presbyterian School of Nursing Alumni Development Fund to support Homecoming and upcoming newsletters, please donate below.

Roots of remarkable care: Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing alumni reflect on school’s legacy, lessons learned
Through every shift and bedside encounter, a nurse impacts thousands of lives with care and compassion. For more than a century, the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing trained class after class of nurses.
How many patients have felt the impact of the lessons taught within those walls? It’s impossible to know.
Legacy giving – Plan today to make a future impact
At Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation, planned giving is an important part of charting our future as an organization and ensuring we can provide quality healthcare across our community for years to come.
Your planned gift allows you to leave a powerful legacy, inspiring the generations to come through your generosity and commitment.
If you’re interested in exploring ways to include Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation in your will and estate plans, please contact Sharon Harrington at Novant Health Foundation for more information at or by phone at 704-384-5331.