Novant Health and its foundations are very interested in the privacy and safety of our visitors
Our website contains forms through which users may request information or supply feedback to us. In some cases, telephone numbers or return addresses are required so that we can supply requested information to you.
We may also track where you go or what you read in our website so that we can supply you with effective follow up information, but only if you have given us explicit permission to do so by filling out a form that asks you if we may do so. After you fill out a form, we might contact you ourselves with follow-up information (unless you have checked an “opt-out” box on the form), but we do not provide any information supplied on a web form to any outside organization for any reason (other than where we may be required to by law, or as necessary to process credit card information). We also do typical web traffic analyses through which we track statistics such as which pages are visited in what order, where users come from, and how long users spend on our site. We never associate such information with specific identities.
Non-Discrimination and Access to Healthcare
Novant Health and its foundations do not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis or race; color; religion; national origin; culture; language; physical or mental disability; genetic information; age; sex, including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions; marital status; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression; socioeconomic status; or source of payment in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits of any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by Novant Health directly or through a contractor or other entity with whom Novant Health arranges to carry out its programs and activities.
Free foreign language interpreters are available for individuals who have limited English proficiency. Free sign language and oral interpreters, TTY’s and other services are available to deaf and hard-of- hearing persons. For further information about this policy, contact: Novant Health Director of Internal Audit & Compliance, 1-704-384-5892 or TDD 1-800-735-8262.