
Category Archives: Presbyterian

Susan G. Komen Charlotte awards grants to Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation totaling $239,921

Grants funding breast health screenings & education will be shared across four Novant Health medical centers Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation has been awarded $239,921 in grants from Susan G. Komen® Charlotte (Komen Charlotte). Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center will receive $119,972, and Novant Health Huntersville, Matthews and Mint Hill medical centers will receive a combined $119,949.

The Duke Endowment supports better eyesight for students in need

Underserved students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools with eyesight challenges will have a better chance to excel thanks to a grant from The Duke Endowment. Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation received a $200,000 grant that will fund participation in the Vision to Learn program through 2024.

It’s estimated that 95% of low-income children have an uncorrected vision issue which makes learning difficult. The Vision to Learn program provides screenings, eye exams and glasses to children in need with a mobile unit that goes onsite to the schools.

Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina awards $10,000 grant

Thanks to support from the Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina, Novant Health Cancer Prevention, Education and Early Detection staff is improving access to care for under/uninsured Mecklenburg County individuals at high risk for lung cancer through Novant Health’s Lung Cancer Screening and Education Program.

The Peninsula Community Foundation child life specialist grant

The Peninsula Community Foundation awarded a $15,000 grant to support Novant Health Huntersville Medical Center Child Life Specialist Thanks to The Peninsula Community Foundation, children who need to visit the ER will have a child life specialist to help them and their family cope with the trauma of illness and medical treatments. The Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation received a two-year, $15,000 grant, which … Continue reading The Peninsula Community Foundation child life specialist grant »

Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation receives $75,000 from the Colon Cancer Coalition

Randy Brantley, Grants Director, and Kerri Polce, Grants Manager, accepted the $75,000 check on behalf of Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation from local “Get Your Rear in Gear – Charlotte” event director Phillip Sanford at the Rally Party held January 21 at Free Range Brewing Co. Thanks to a generous grant of $75,000 from the Colon Cancer Coalition to Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center … Continue reading Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation receives $75,000 from the Colon Cancer Coalition »

Dancing with the Stars of Charlotte

John Fitzhugh joins Dancing with the Stars of Charlotte to support Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Program John Fitzhugh always has been passionate about helping others and channeling his boundless energy to steer many nonprofits. Along the way John has been touched by countless volunteers and organizations who serve the community.

A Private Space for Care, Comfort & Hope

Through a partnership with Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center Foundation, John and Ginny Comly have chosen to honor their youngest daughter, Caroline Comly, with Caroline’s Corner, a private area on the pediatric floor of Hemby Children’s Hospital, where families can find a warm, peaceful place to rest, regroup and find hope. Additionally, the Comlys have chosen to show their gratitude for the pediatric critical care … Continue reading A Private Space for Care, Comfort & Hope »

Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center among six to receive $1.4M state grant for opioid support

Six North Carolina hospitals and health systems, including Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center, will receive a grant from the state Department of Health and Human Services to staff emergency rooms with opioid-addiction peer support specialists. DHHS, which is partnering with the North Carolina Healthcare Association on the project, is funding the $1.37 million grant. In 2016, roughly 42,249 Americans died from opioid-related overdoses, including at … Continue reading Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center among six to receive $1.4M state grant for opioid support »