Together: A family and care team celebrate a first-grader’s victory over cancer.

Lucan Patel doesn’t have a memory of his life before cancer.
Lucan Patel doesn’t have a memory of his life before cancer.
Night after night, 12-year-old Jessica Thornton watched the nurses in action. She spent a lot of time at her friend’s side as he recovered from surgery after surgery to address genetic complications.
Novant Health is taking big steps to help close the disparity gap in maternal and infant health for minorities – and Kimberly Cifuentes is helping to pave the way. Working as a health educator in Charlotte since August, she’s striving to get pregnant women the early and adequate prenatal care they need. And deserve.
At 77, Nick Rizos was a local legend in Kernersville. The patriarch of a close-knit Greek family had immigrated to the U.S in his 20s seeking greater opportunities. He opened his first Olympic Family Restaurant in Kernersville in 1979. Rizos cooked, managed the business and loved talking with customers, especially about sports. He was an inspiration to his daughter Zoe, who worked in his diners growing up and now owns two restaurants of her own.
When the Novant Health pediatrics emergency room in Charlotte opened on July 27, 2003, Dr. Sara Steelman, a Midwesterner who’d moved to the South for this job, was there to work the very first shift in Charlotte’s first pediatric ER.
Family foundation pays it forward with a $500,000 gift to Hemby Children’s Hospital.
Alan T. Dickson left a lasting impact on the state of North Carolina through his love and support of healthcare, the arts, and education.
Sheila Saklad’s life was shaped by a passion for nursing — a passion that continues to touch the lives of others.
Mobility program, a dictionary and endless grit got her on path to being an RN.
Mentoring program looks for ways to keep college students on track.